
Peggy | Peggy to go

Plexiglas-lasercut, Monitor, Video-loop, 2:30 Fake-Lady-Dior-Bag, Tablet

“Peggy to go” is an adaptation of the video- installation “Peggy” where the video loops on a tablet in a Fake-Lady-Dior-Bag. Through a plexiglas-citation of her self-designed sunglasses the continuous passing of the glitched lettering “collecting art is collecting artists is” subtly broaches the issue of the area of conflict between art, artist, collector and fashion.

The work combines the legendary lifestyle of P. Guggenheim with that many moments a day we close our eyes. Its called wink and scientifically proved that the brainwave frequencies then change immediately. The glitch is a translation of that blinking and reminds of the quality of moments when decisions are made. Will I buy that artist? Will I love this collector? Does he love this curator? Does this handbag fit me?